Multi-Point Coordinators can gather information such as name, affiliation, phone number, etc. from participants on assisted calls and provide that information to you at the conclusion of your meeting.
Leaders or Hosts of each conference call can elect to have a roll call of all participants in attendance.
Our formal Q&A feature allows your participants to ask questions during your meeting but only when you are ready to entertain them. Participants wishing to ask questions are placed in a question queue and announced one at a time by the conference coordinator. This service is ideal for Investor Relations style calls.
Your meeting can be recorded and made available for replay 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for as long as desired. This service is ideal for participants who could not attend the initial meeting.
Conference call recordings including any additional information can be collected and stored for your convenience and reassurance.
At your request, we can record any assisted conference. Recordings are particularly useful for taking minutes of board meetings, transcriptions, depositions and other similar applications. There are 3 different formats from which to choose from: CD, MP3 or uploading to a secure FTP site for you to download. CD's are traditionally shipped while the MP3 & FTP site method can be sent via email.
Receive a transcription containing your conference call content by your choice of email, disk or hard copy.
MultiPoint Communications offers personalized conference call greetings.
To ensure the success of any meeting, MultiPoint can establish a line between one of our conference coordinators and a designee from your company for quality assurance. Unification offers personalized conference call greetings.
If you need to get information out in a hurry, we can fax or voice broadcast your message to thousands of people in a short period of time. Voice broadcast is an excellent tool for disaster recovery.